
It is Green

Cellulose takes less energy to make than any other insulation material. In green circles, this is known as “embodied energy” which is the energy required to transport raw materials and used to make the final product.

Cellulose has the largest amount of post-consumer recycled content in the industry

– up to 87% recycled cardboard and newspaper. Paper is the largest component of landfills. Producing cellulose insulation diverts waste from the landfills thus saving valuable space.

Making cellulose insulation from newsprint prevents the release of greenhouse gases such as methane which is released as newspaper decomposes in landfills.

Cellulose insulation is locally produced. Local recycling programs and relatively inexpensive machinery and processing brings new meaning to the old slogan “Think Globally, Act Locally.”

There are no shipping costs to get it to Alaska, the energy emissions of transporting the insulation to our state is completely eliminated because it is manufactured right here.

Performance and Savings

Measure the financial impact of increasing your insulation performance with an easy-to-use calculator.

Enter Values Below
Area to be upgraded Square Feet Enter the surface area of the space where insulation is to be upgraded.
Heating Degree Days HDD (Fahrenheit) Help on finding Heating Degree Days for your area
Current R Value US R Value Help on looking up R values
New Total R Value US R Value Help on looking up R values
Pick your fuel type below — Then, correct fuel cost and furnace efficiency if desired
Natural Gas
Fuel Oil
Click Calculate button to update fuel saving
$ Saving per year Dollars The dollar saving in fuel cost for the first year.
$ Saving for 10 years Dollars The dollar saving in fuel costs for the first 10 years, assuming a 10% increase in fuel cost each year.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction lbs per year If electricity is the fuel, it is assumed it is generated in a coal fired power plant.

Fire Safe

Cellulose Insulation has a Class 1 Fire rating. It is treated with fire retardants to meet all federal, state, and local fire safety requirements.


Under the right conditions mold can grow on anything, but because of its superior moisture handling capacity and its ingredients cellulose insulation resists mold growth.

Tightens Buildings

Dense packed or sprayed cellulose fits around everything in the wall, creating a tight uncompromised thermal barrier.

Sound Reducer

When dense packed into a wall cavity cellulose installation is extremely effective in controlling sound transmission.